General Membership Meeting Take #2 Monday Oct 30 27pm
Monday, Oct 30 at 7:00 PM
General Membership Meeting Take #2 Monday Oct 30 27pm

At our 10/17 general members mtg we didn’t have membership quorum to vote new board into office so we need to host another mtg and vote.

If you were a 2023 summer member please join us on 10/30 at 7pm via googlemeets or if you can’t attend please fill out a proxy and email it to … we need 25 memberships to attend the general mtg to vote in the new board!!! Your presence and vote matters!!!! Please note a link to mtg will be emailed to all 2023 members.

1. Call to Order.
2. Review and approval of last year’s General Meeting minutes.
3. Presidential Update (Ketch)
a. Update to new bylaws.(Ketch, Jen)
4. Financial Update (Emilie/Luke)
a. YTD Financials
b. Membership Numbers
5. Voting in of new slate for Board of Directors (2023-2024 Season)
a. President: Daryl Gazzard
b. Vice President: Roman Brewer
c. Secretary: Jenny Lin
d. Treasurer: Luke Aass
e. Website: Kip Fern

f. Marketing/Comms/Social Media: OPEN

g. Events & Fundraising: Emilie Castle & Trang Pham
h. Swim Team: OPEN
i. Courts: Sharon Lee
J. Member-at-Large – Chad Garr
K. Member-at-Large-Keith Hu
6. New President introduction and update on year’s upcoming goals and plans.
7. Adjourn


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