Guests will not be allowed access to the Club unless accompanied by a member. Members are responsible for ensuring that all of their guests are signed in and have paid the guest fee prior to entering the Club. The only guests not subject to the guest fee are childcare providers who come in lieu of paying member parents to supervise children.
Members should familiarize themselves with the definition of a family unit as stated in the Nov ’16 version of the Bylaws (refer to Article III, Section 1. Those not part of a family unit are considered guests, except as noted above for childcare providers).
If you want to bring more than 10 guests at one time, you must contact our pool manager, Jim Umbeck, for prior approval. Jim can be reached at (206) 601-3492.
Our guest policy respects our loyal members and makes it possible for the Club to continue to afford this membership benefit. Thank you for your support!
Please pre-pay for any guests coming to the club.